Rent the Hall
If you have an event you’d like to have at the Center, please fill out the form on the About the Center page and we’ll get back to you about availability.
Planning a large gathering? Our hall comfortably accomodates up to 150 attendees. Amenities include seating and tables, kitchen, bathrooms, and patio.
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center is a stress-free environment for weddings, memorials, birthdays, and other organized events.
We are also available to host your organization’s monthly or quarterly meetings. Contact us to check on availability.
Find out more on our rental page!
ABOUT OUR CLUBSMen's Garden ClubRedwood Empire Rose SocietyRedwood Stitchers ChapterSanta Rosa Flower Arrangers GuildSanta Rosa Garden ClubSanta Rosa Iris Society
Clubs at LBA&GC
LBA&GC was founded by several gardening clubs, and is now home to clubs whose interests expand from flowers to fine arts.