Rent the Hall
If you have an event you’d like to have at the Center, please fill out the form on the About the Center page and we’ll get back to you about availability.
Planning a large gathering? Our hall comfortably accomodates up to 150 attendees. Amenities include seating and tables, kitchen, bathrooms, and patio.
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center is a stress-free environment for weddings, memorials, birthdays, and other organized events.
We are also available to host your organization’s monthly or quarterly meetings. Contact us to check on availability.
Find out more on our rental page!
Clubs at LBA&GC
LBA&GC was founded by several gardening clubs, and is now home to clubs whose interests expand from flowers to fine arts.

Men’s Garden Club
The Men’s Garden Club of Santa Rosa is no longer a member of “The Gardeners of America.” We are now affiliated with CGCI (Gardeners of California, Inc.).
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Redwood Empire Rose Society
We meet on the 3rd Thursday the following months: February, March, April; June, July; September, October, November, and December. Meetings are at the Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center (LBAGC) at 7:00 p.m..
Organized 1965, the RERS has been very active in the Santa Rosa community. Each year the Spring Rose Show is attended by many non-members. The RERS entered in the Hall of Flowers Garden Contest at the Sonoma County Fair up to 2003.
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Redwood Stitchers Chapter
Redwood Stitchers is a chapter of the Greater Pacific Region of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America.
Facebook page:
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Santa Rosa Garden Club
The vision of the Santa Rosa Garden Club is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, horticulture and floriculture among the membership and the general public and to promote and participate in the restoration, improvement, and protection of the environment through programs and actions in civil improvement and conservation.

Santa Rosa Iris Society
S.R.I.S. is an affiliate to the American Iris Society and Region 14 of the American Iris Society. The purpose of the Santa Rosa Iris Society is to stimulate and foster interest in the study, propagation and culture of the genus Iris; all Bearded Irises, Aril Irises, Spurias, Siberians, Japanese, Louisianas, Californicae, and Species Irises.
The Santa Rosa Iris Society meets the second Monday of each month February through October at 7:00 p.m. at Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center.
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